One 97 communications, the parent company of digital payments major Paytm, made a weak stock market debut as its shares got listed at Rs 1,950, a 9 per cent discount against its issue price of Rs 2,150 on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) on Thursday. On the BSE, the stock opened at Rs 1,955 per share.
At 10:01 am, Paytm was trading at Rs 1,805, 16 per cent lower against its issue price. The stock hit an intra-day low of Rs 1,777 on the BSE and NSE.
The company's Rs 18,300-crore initial public offering (IPO), the biggest-ever in
At 10:01 am, Paytm was trading at Rs 1,805, 16 per cent lower against its issue price. The stock hit an intra-day low of Rs 1,777 on the BSE and NSE.
The company's Rs 18,300-crore initial public offering (IPO), the biggest-ever in