Shares of PNB Housing Finance were up by 6% at Rs 1,269 per share on Wednesday in intra-day trade, extending their 2% rise in the previous day on the BSE, after the company said that Punjab National Bank (PNB) and the Carlyle Group proposed to sell their stake to the potential acquirers.
“We hereby inform you regarding joint communication received today from Punjab National Bank (PNB) and Quality Investment Holdings (The Carlyle Group) regarding sale of minimum 51 % stake in PNB Housing Finance Limited to the potential acquirers,” PNB Housing Finance said on Tuesday after market hours.
“We hereby inform you regarding joint communication received today from Punjab National Bank (PNB) and Quality Investment Holdings (The Carlyle Group) regarding sale of minimum 51 % stake in PNB Housing Finance Limited to the potential acquirers,” PNB Housing Finance said on Tuesday after market hours.