The bourses started off on a dull-yet-firm note and ended on Monday strongly as buying support across old and new economy stocks boosted sentiment. The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) sensex wound up at 3279.83 (up 29.45 points), while the National Stock Exchange (NSE) Nifty 50 closed at 1055.30 (up 13.45 points).
The market breadth was positive as the combined figures on both exchanges were 1384 : 813. Traded volume on the BSE was Rs 1,233 crore, while on the NSE it stood at Rs 2,539 crore. The capitalisation of the market breadth was also positive as the numbers were Rs 3,597 crore : Rs 174 crore on a combined exchange basis. This shows a big buying bias.
Traded volume, however, was significantly lower than the last 10 days