Prices of essential commodities like vegetables and fruits have more than doubled in Gujarat following incessant rains. |
With the flood in Gujarat, the supply from Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh came to a standstill causing the price hike. |
The supplies of other essential commodities like milk, food products, and fuels would run short if the situation continues. |
"Arrival of all vegetables is reduced by over 50 per cent as trucks from other state and from within the state from districts like Kheda, Anand, Nadiad were stuck on the road. The prices of fruits and vegetables would further go up as flood situation became normal," said Narendrasinh Chhasatia, secretary of Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC), Ahmedabad. |
Prices of almost all the vegetables including potato, onion, tomato have escalated by over 100 per cent, while green vegetables are not available in the market. |
"The situation worsened from last Saturday. The price of all vegetables have almost doubled and most of the green vegetables have almost vanished from the market. I feel government should look after the matter seriously " said Amrita Patel, a house wife in Ahmedabad. |
The price of one kg tomato has gone upto Rs 20, from around Rs eight a week back. Be prepared to shell out Rs 28 a kg for beans, Rs 25 for lady's finger and a whopping Rs 60 for capsicum. Spinach is selling at Rs 16 a kg and brinjals at Rs 25 a kg. |
Even in APMC's at Jamalpur and Vasna, the total number of trucks coming from other states had been reduced by over 50 percent since the past one week. |
"In normal days around 20,000 to 25,000 quintal of vegetables come to our APMC.But from Saturday only 10,000 to 15,000 quintals of vegetables have came in. However, at present situation, the market price would not be affected much, as the demand is also decreased due to flood in the state," said Chhasatia. |