Shares of public sector banks (PSBs) have rallied by up to 20 per cent on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) on Thursday, after the Union government on Wednesday approved a capital infusion of Rs 48,239 crore into 12 PSBs.
The largest chunk of money is flowing into Allahabad Bank and Corporation Bank to help them come out of the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI’s) prompt corrective action (PCA) framework.
Following the news, Corporation Bank has rallied 20 per cent to Rs 30.20 apiece, while Allahabad Bank surged 10 per cent to Rs 48.60 apiece on the NSE in
The largest chunk of money is flowing into Allahabad Bank and Corporation Bank to help them come out of the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI’s) prompt corrective action (PCA) framework.
Following the news, Corporation Bank has rallied 20 per cent to Rs 30.20 apiece, while Allahabad Bank surged 10 per cent to Rs 48.60 apiece on the NSE in