Ajay Tyagi, chairman, Securities and Exchange Board of India, to journalists on a number of issues the body is currently dealing with. Edited excerpts from a press conference, compiled by Samie Modak:
On P-note tightening:
The tightening is to ensure Indians and non-resident Indians don't use that route for investing here. The idea is not to stop it altogether, as we understand the importance of the route. It is a framework that enables investors to first test the Indian market, without registering. But, for overseas investors wanting to come to India, the right way is to register here, so that there
The tightening is to ensure Indians and non-resident Indians don't use that route for investing here. The idea is not to stop it altogether, as we understand the importance of the route. It is a framework that enables investors to first test the Indian market, without registering. But, for overseas investors wanting to come to India, the right way is to register here, so that there