Shares of railway infrastructure company Rail Vikas Nigam (RVNL) continued their upward movement, hitting a new high of Rs 58.05 as they rallied 6 per cent on the BSE in Tuesday’s intra-day trade. At 11:04 am, the stock traded 5 per cent higher at Rs 57.50, as compared to 0.24 per cent decline in the S&P BSE Sensex.
Since October 20, in the past 16 trading days, the stock price of RVNL has appreciated by 62 per cent from a level of Rs 35.80, after the company announced securing multiple orders. In the past three months, the stock price
Since October 20, in the past 16 trading days, the stock price of RVNL has appreciated by 62 per cent from a level of Rs 35.80, after the company announced securing multiple orders. In the past three months, the stock price