Rajesh Exports has rallied 4% to Rs 169, extending its Friday’s 4.5% surge on BSE, after the company said it has bagged an export order worth Rs 1,350 crore of designer range of gold and diamond studded jewellery and medallions from M/s Al Sultan Jewellery, UAE.
The order is to be completed by 28th February 2015. Execution of this order will significantly add to the bottom line of the company, Rajesh Exports said in a statement.
The company said the demand for Indian jewellery in the foreign markets has been growing rapidly.
The stock opened at Rs 164 and hit a high of Rs 175 on BSE. A combined 413,371 shares changed hands on the counter till 1045 hours on BSE and NSE.
The order is to be completed by 28th February 2015. Execution of this order will significantly add to the bottom line of the company, Rajesh Exports said in a statement.
The company said the demand for Indian jewellery in the foreign markets has been growing rapidly.
The stock opened at Rs 164 and hit a high of Rs 175 on BSE. A combined 413,371 shares changed hands on the counter till 1045 hours on BSE and NSE.