Rallis India surged 7% to Rs 246 on the BSE in early morning trade after the Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund bought nearly one percentage point stake in Tata Group Company for Rs 41 crore through open market.
On Monday, November 27 2017, Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund had purchased 1.78 million equity shares of Rallis India at a price of Rs 230 per share on the BSE through bulk deal, the exchange data shows.
The names of the sellers were not ascertained immediately.
At 09:28 AM; the stock of agrochemicals Company was trading 5% higher at Rs 242
On Monday, November 27 2017, Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund had purchased 1.78 million equity shares of Rallis India at a price of Rs 230 per share on the BSE through bulk deal, the exchange data shows.
The names of the sellers were not ascertained immediately.
At 09:28 AM; the stock of agrochemicals Company was trading 5% higher at Rs 242