Ramco Systems has rallied 10% to Rs 382 on the BSE in intra-day trade after the Chennai-based cloud service provider said it has signed multi-million dollar cloud HR & payroll transformation deal with Panasonic Group of companies in Malaysia.
Ramco System’s award-winning Human Capital Management (HCM) solution will integrate with multiple Enterprise Applications and Finance systems in individual companies for statutory and payroll requirements, the company said in a press release.
Panasonic Group of companies in Malaysia will lead the Digital HR transformation initiative with a cloud-hosted Ramco HCM suite covering Core HR, Time & Attendance, Talent Management,
Ramco System’s award-winning Human Capital Management (HCM) solution will integrate with multiple Enterprise Applications and Finance systems in individual companies for statutory and payroll requirements, the company said in a press release.
Panasonic Group of companies in Malaysia will lead the Digital HR transformation initiative with a cloud-hosted Ramco HCM suite covering Core HR, Time & Attendance, Talent Management,