Shares of Ramco Systems were frozen in 5 per cent upper circuit for the second straight on Friday at Rs 275 on the BSE in an otherwise weak market. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was down 1.4 per cent at 38,546 points, at 12:07 pm.
The stock of the information technology (IT) consulting & software firm was trading at its 52-week high level. In the past month, it has rallied 105 per cent, as compared to 2 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. While, in three months, the stock has zoomed 277 per cent against 13
The stock of the information technology (IT) consulting & software firm was trading at its 52-week high level. In the past month, it has rallied 105 per cent, as compared to 2 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. While, in three months, the stock has zoomed 277 per cent against 13