Ramky Infrastructure hit a new high of Rs 258, up 8% on the BSE in otherwise weak market on back of heavy volumes. The trading volumes on the counter almost doubled with a combined 1.36 million shares changed hands on the BSE and NSE till 01:19 PM.
Since November 8, post July-September (Q2FY18) quarter results, the stock of construction & engineering company surged 50% from Rs 172, after it reported net profit of Rs 3.3 crore against a loss of Rs 41.5 crore in the same quarter previous year. Operational income of the company grew 46% to Rs 324
Since November 8, post July-September (Q2FY18) quarter results, the stock of construction & engineering company surged 50% from Rs 172, after it reported net profit of Rs 3.3 crore against a loss of Rs 41.5 crore in the same quarter previous year. Operational income of the company grew 46% to Rs 324