The Sensex slipped into red following a hike in CRR by 50 bps. The index is now down 13 points at 15,248. Earlier in the day, the index had touched a high of 15,451. ITC and HDFC have soared around 3.5% each to Rs 173 and Rs 1,973, respectively. Hindalco, Ranbaxy and BHEL have surged around 2.5% each to Rs 171, Rs 386 and Rs 1,684, respectively. ACC, Bajaj Auto, Larsen & Toubro and Reliance Communications have gained around 2% each at Rs 1,045, Rs 2,343, Rs 2,494 and Rs 551, respectively. Mahindra & Mahindra has slipped over 2% to Rs 736. Hindustan Unilever is down 1% to Rs 207. |