The benchmark indices on Friday closed about 1 per cent higher, with banks leading the show fuelled by the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI’s) plans to initiate the second round of Operation Twist. Mid-cap stocks posted strong gains amid talk of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) relaxing norms to widen the investable universe for mutual funds (MFs).
Global cues also contributed to the positive investor sentiment. “Liquidity in global markets and optimism around a US-China trade deal drove the indices to fresh highs during the series,” said Siddharth Khemka, head of research (retail), Motilal Oswal Financial
Global cues also contributed to the positive investor sentiment. “Liquidity in global markets and optimism around a US-China trade deal drove the indices to fresh highs during the series,” said Siddharth Khemka, head of research (retail), Motilal Oswal Financial