RBL Bank has listed at Rs 274 on the National Stock Exchange (NSE), a 22% premium against its issue price of Rs 225 per share. LINK
At 10:01 am, the stock was trading at Rs 280, after hitting high of Rs 282 on the NSE and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) post its listing. A combined 1.71 million shares changed hands on the counter so far.
RBL Bank, a private sector bank, which concluded its initial public offering (IPO) earlier this month, was oversubscribed 69.62 times.
The qualified institutional buyers' (QIBs) portion oversubscribed 85.08 times, non institutional investors chunk 198.06 times and retail investors portion 5.70 times, according to data available with the BSE.
The bank fixed the issue price at Rs. 225 per share, at the upper end of the Rs. 224-225 per share price band. The RBL Bank public offer comprised 16.90 million shares being offloaded by existing investors (offer for sale) and fresh issue of 37.16 million shares.
RBL Bank, a private sector bank, which concluded its initial public offering (IPO) earlier this month, was oversubscribed 69.62 times.
The qualified institutional buyers' (QIBs) portion oversubscribed 85.08 times, non institutional investors chunk 198.06 times and retail investors portion 5.70 times, according to data available with the BSE.
The bank fixed the issue price at Rs. 225 per share, at the upper end of the Rs. 224-225 per share price band. The RBL Bank public offer comprised 16.90 million shares being offloaded by existing investors (offer for sale) and fresh issue of 37.16 million shares.