Shares of Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers (RCF) rallied up to 15 per cent at Rs 64.85, also its 52-week high, on the BSE in intra-day trade on Thursday after rating agency ICRA reaffirmed credit ratings of the company’s instruments and revised outlook to 'positive' from 'stable'.
At 11:24 am, the stock was trading 12 per cent higher at Rs 63.25 on the BSE on the back of heavy volumes. The trading volumes on the counter jumped over five-fold with a combined around 19 million equity shares changing hands on the NSE and BSE.
The revision in outlook to
At 11:24 am, the stock was trading 12 per cent higher at Rs 63.25 on the BSE on the back of heavy volumes. The trading volumes on the counter jumped over five-fold with a combined around 19 million equity shares changing hands on the NSE and BSE.
The revision in outlook to