The Sensex is now down 169 points at 14,189. The index had touched a low of 13,780 earlier in the day. Satyam has plunged nearly 6% to Rs 440. Tata Steel and Maruti have slumped over 4% each to Rs 551 and Rs 759, respectively. ONGC has tumbled nearly 3% to Rs 795. ITC has shed 2.8% to Rs 154. Ranbaxy, Infosys and BHEL have dropped around 2.5% each to Rs 352, Rs 1,864 and Rs 1,564, respectively. NTPC, Hindalco, ACC, Bajaj Auto, Reliance Communications and Bharti Airtel are down over 2% each. Ambuja Cements has gained 1.3% at Rs 129. Out of 2,640 stocks traded so far, 2,007 have declined, 602 have advanced and 31 are unchanged. |