Reliance Industries (RIL) today touched the Rs 2 trillion market capitalisation mark in mid-session trade, becoming the third Indian company after ONGC and Wipro to touch the milestone, even as the Sensex lost 149.52 points (1.04 per cent) on heavy profit-booking. | ||||||||||||||
The RIL scrip rose to a 52-week high of Rs 1,444.80 during the intra-day trade, but ended in the red at Rs 1,414.55, which is 0.26 per cent below the yesterday's close of Rs 1,418.25. | ||||||||||||||
RIL, however, continues to be the top market capitalisation company, with an m-cap of Rs 1,97,188.27 crore.
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While the Sensex lost the morning session's gain to end at 14,253.38 points, the S&P CNX Nifty declined 60.35 points (1.45 per cent) to end at 4,104.20 points. | ||||||||||||||
Today's fall was also influenced by investors offloading their positions on the back of the expiry of February contracts. | ||||||||||||||
FMCG firm Hindustan Lever (HLL), which plans to incorporate its parent company's name in its Indian identity to Hindustan Unilever, lost 0.7 per cent to close at Rs 203.75. The company posted 1.9 per cent fall in quarterly profits on rising raw material costs. | ||||||||||||||