Shares of Route Mobile and Affle India, on Thursday, hit their respective record highs and were frozen in their respective upper limits on the BSE in an otherwise range-bound market. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was up 0.09 per cent at 51,356 points, at 01:28 pm.
Route Mobile was locked in 20 per cent upper circuit at Rs 1,527 on the back of heavy volumes. The trading volumes on counter jumped over four-fold with a combined 3.26 million equity shares changing hands. There were pending buy orders for 173,000 shares on the BSE and NSE, exchange data shows.
Route Mobile was locked in 20 per cent upper circuit at Rs 1,527 on the back of heavy volumes. The trading volumes on counter jumped over four-fold with a combined 3.26 million equity shares changing hands. There were pending buy orders for 173,000 shares on the BSE and NSE, exchange data shows.