Shares of RPP Infra Projects were up 3% at Rs 112 on the Bombay Stock Exchange after the company said it has new orders from state-owned Engineering Projects India Ltd worth Rs 58.5 crore.
The first order is for the construction of combined administration block, quarter guard, master store and men's barrack among others for proposed ITBP Complex at Kalikiri, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh worth Rs 34.2 crore, the company said in a release.
The second order is for construction of various types of quarters and boundary wall, entrance gateway, guard room and sentry post for the aforesaid complex amounting to Rs 24.3 crore, the release added.
The stock opened at Rs 110 and touched a high of Rs 114. At 11:50am, over 87,000 shares were traded on both the stock exchanges.