The BSE Sensex lost 37.14 points on Friday, slipping for the third straight trading session and registering a 308-point fall since Wednesday - from 8799.96 on 4 October to close at 8491.56 today. Investors lost Rs 64,825 crore, with the market capitalisation of traded stocks declining from a peak of Rs 23,13,863 crore on October 4 to Rs 22,49,038 crore today. The widespread fall saw only 20 per cent stocks move up and 80 per cent lose ground. Of the 2,600 actively traded stocks, 2,080 were losers and 520 gainers. Twenty-seven Sensex stocks declined and only three scrips "" NTPC, Ranbaxy and Dr Reddy's Laboratories "" posted gains. The A group stocks lost Rs 52,567 crore of market capitalisation accounting for 81 per cent of the decline. The Sensex stocks accounted for over 50 per cent (Rs 35,438 crore) of the total decline in market capitalisation. The T, TS and Z group stocks continued to be hit hard, losing Rs 3,000 crore market cap. In fact, the T, TS and Z group stocks were the biggest losers "" down 4.62 per cent in three days compared to an overall decline of 2.80 per cent for all traded stocks. The Sensex declined 3.50 per cent, the A group stocks lost 2.84 per cent, B1 stocks by 2.21 per cent and the B group stocks declined by 3.96 per cent.
The latest data showed that foreign funds had sold a net $129.4 million (Rs 568 crore) of equities on Thursday. The domestic mutual funds sold Rs 191 crore worth of equities on October 4 and 5. Foreign funds have moved $8.6 billion into domestic stocks in 2005 so far. Banks were the biggest losers, down 5.77 per cent in three days on a negative outlook for the sector. The largest commercial bank State Bank of India fell 4.31 per cent to Rs 916.10 and ICICI Bank lost 9.92 per cent to Rs 530.95. Auto makers slipped on fears that margins might come under pressure by high input costs. Two-wheeler major Hero Honda Motors fell 4.1 per cent to Rs 731 and its nearest rival Bajaj Auto declined 4.21 per cent to Rs 1733.80. Tata Motors lost 3.95 per cent to Rs 546.70. Cement makers declined on weak September sales, with top producer Grasim Industries slipping 1.84 per cent to Rs 1,315.40 and ACC down 3.67 per cent to Rs 476.30. Ninety-seven other sectors including steel, telecom, IT, refineries, mining, finance lost ground while only 15 sectors including services, lubricants, auto ancillaries and diamond gained during the week. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||