The Rubber Board has scaled down the country's natural rubber production by 4 per cent in 2007-08 as production during the April-September period fell sharply by 62,000 tonnes. |
According to the board's revised estimates, total rubber production will be 819,000 tonnes, against the earlier projection of 874,000 tonnes. Last year, the production was 853,000 tonnes. |
Loss in tapping days due to deadly epidemics such as chikungunya and heavy rainfall caused the fall in production during the first half of current financial year. |
The loss could have been serious but for an estimated good production during October-January, the main production season world over. The Rubber Board has projected the production during the period at 409,000 tonnes, up 32,375 tonnes over last year. |
Leading Kochi-based traders said tapping days would be increased during October-January as growers had taken advance amount from dealers for production during the period. |
This would compensate the loss by around 50 per cent. Sharp rise in prices will also ensure increase in production. The average price of benchmark grade RSS-4 has risen to Rs 99 a kg against Rs 80-82 in November 2006. |
According to the latest estimates of the board, total production during April - October period dropped by 14 per cent to 400,070 tonnes from 465,180 tonnes during the same period last year. However, consumption during the period increased by 5 per cent to 496,915 tonnes. |