Santosh Kumar Mohanty took charge as wholetime member (WTM) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) for a three-year tenure. The announcement comes two days after the central government elevated Ananta Barua, a Sebi executive director (ED), as another WTM. This is the first time the markets regulator will have four fulltime members on the board. Also, the first time an internal candidate has got elevated as WTM.
Sebi was functioning with only two fulltime members since September 2017, after the retirement of S Raman. The government had cleared IAS officer Sanjeev Kaushik's appointment as WTM but
Sebi was functioning with only two fulltime members since September 2017, after the retirement of S Raman. The government had cleared IAS officer Sanjeev Kaushik's appointment as WTM but