State Bank India (SBI) has joined the elite club of companies with Rs 4-trillion in market capitalization (market-cap) on the BSE, after its share price hit a new high of Rs 463.55, up 4 per cent in intra-day trade on Wednesday after the lender announced of its April-June 2021 quarter (Q1FY22) results. The stock of the country’s largest state-owned lender rebounded 5 per cent from its day's low of Rs 441.50.
The surge in the stock price of SBI has made the state-owned lender the fourth bank - after HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank and Kotak Mahindra Bank - to
The surge in the stock price of SBI has made the state-owned lender the fourth bank - after HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank and Kotak Mahindra Bank - to