Shares of State Bank of India (SBI) hit a new record high of Rs 433.80 on the BSE, after they rallied 2 per cent in Tuesday's intra-day trade, surpassing its previous high of Rs 433.60 hit on May 28, 2021.
The stock of the state-owned lender has outperformed the market in the past one month by surging 21 per cent after it reported another strong quarterly performance and showed further sequential improvement in assets quality and a rise in profitability in the March quarter (Q4FY21). In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was up 6.7 per cent during the period.
The stock of the state-owned lender has outperformed the market in the past one month by surging 21 per cent after it reported another strong quarterly performance and showed further sequential improvement in assets quality and a rise in profitability in the March quarter (Q4FY21). In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was up 6.7 per cent during the period.