Shares of State Bank of India (SBI) bounced 6 per cent from its intra-day low and hit a high of Rs 399.70 on the BSE on Friday after the lender announced its March quarter result. The stock had initially fallen 3 per cent to Rs 378.10, from its opening level of Rs 390.45, post the announcement of the results.
At 02:36 pm, SBI was trading 3.5 per cent higher at Rs 397.85 on the BSE supported by heavy volumes. The trading volumes on the counter nearly doubled with a combined 148 million equity shares having changed hands on the NSE and
At 02:36 pm, SBI was trading 3.5 per cent higher at Rs 397.85 on the BSE supported by heavy volumes. The trading volumes on the counter nearly doubled with a combined 148 million equity shares having changed hands on the NSE and