The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has dropped its charges against leading stock broker Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, his wife Rekha and two firms "� Rare Enterprises and RKJ group "� in the alleged share price manipulation during June-August 2002. |
The case involves alleged share price manipulation in several stocks including NIIT, Marico Industries, Padmalaya Telefilms, United Breweries, Siemens and Bharat Electronics during the aforesaid period. |
T C Nair, whole-time director, Sebi, in his order on Tuesday, said "no direction needs to be passed" after hearing to the replies to the showcause notices by the regulator. |
The Sebi chanced upon huge transactions by Jhunjhunwala and his entities while looking into the volatility in the securities markets in 2002. |
A detailed investigation by the market watchdog found that Jhunjhunwala and his firms were heavy sellers during end-July 2002, which also saw the Sensex slipping 6 per cent. |
In stocks like UB, Siemens and Marico, the sales by the group almost accounted for the entire sales on a given day on the BSE, the investigation had found. |
However, in its reply to the showcause notices, the RKJ group pointed out that during the same period, FIIs and mutual funds were net sellers for Rs 10,000 crore. |