The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has moved against four companies listed on a special platform created for fund-raising by small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
Sebi's investigations have revealed certain entities manipulated the share price of these companies to launder money. The regulator has barred a total of 239 persons / entities, including the four companies, from accessing the market.
The four companies are Eco Friendly Food Processing Park Limited, Esteem Bio Organic Food Processing Limited, HPC Biosciences Limited, and Channel Nine Entertainment Limited. The first three are involved in agricultural businesses, while the fourth is a production and distribution company for serials, films and events. The companies were listed on the BSE between January and March 2013.
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Entities bid up the shares of the companies to convert black money into white, according to the Sebi order. The total profit earned by the entities involved is pegged at Rs 468.99 crore. The ban comes into force with immediate effect. The barred entities can file objections within 21 days.