In keeping with the decisions taken at the last board meeting, the Sebi on Monday released more details of its proposed IPO rating programme. |
Sebi has okayed Crisil, Fitch Ratings, Icra and CARE to assign ratings to IPOs. The rating fees will vary between Rs 2 lakh and 20 lakh per issue. |
The grade assigned to any issue [on a scale of 1 to 5] represents a relative assessment of 'fundamentals' in relation to other listed equity securities. [It is for] assessing offerings of companies where there is no track record of their market performance," Sebi said |
"The agencies have to forward the names and details of IPOs graded by them on a monthly basis to Sebi and stock exchanges for uploading on their website for public information. As such the company does not have a choice in accepting or rejecting the grade." The IPO grading approved by the agencies, shall form part of the prospectus for the IPO." |