The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi)-appointed committee on fair market conduct will submit its report in the next two weeks. It will have a special chapter on handling of price-sensitive information, said sources.
Sources added the 16-member committee, led by former law secretary TK Vishwanathan, has extensively deliberated on the measures to avoid leak of unpublished price sensitive information (UPSI).
Some of the committee’s recommendations will be - compulsory ledger of employees having access to UPSI, background checks for mid-rung employees, limited access to results by internal teams, and switching to real-time disclosure.
Sources added the 16-member committee, led by former law secretary TK Vishwanathan, has extensively deliberated on the measures to avoid leak of unpublished price sensitive information (UPSI).
Some of the committee’s recommendations will be - compulsory ledger of employees having access to UPSI, background checks for mid-rung employees, limited access to results by internal teams, and switching to real-time disclosure.