The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has issued a separate communication to industry body Association of Mutual Funds in India (Amfi) to provide further clarity on the compensation norms.
This comes a day after Sebi tweaked the compensation circular, first issued in April, mandating fund houses to pay 20 per cent of the CTC to their key employees in the form of MF units, which will be locked-in for three years. Industry players said their demand seeking some relief has remained unmet.
The letter to Amfi, which has been viewed Business Standard, states debt research analysts
This comes a day after Sebi tweaked the compensation circular, first issued in April, mandating fund houses to pay 20 per cent of the CTC to their key employees in the form of MF units, which will be locked-in for three years. Industry players said their demand seeking some relief has remained unmet.
The letter to Amfi, which has been viewed Business Standard, states debt research analysts