Capital markets regulator Sebi has slapped a Rs 4.50 lakh penalty on Akriti Realtech for alleged non-compliance with disclosure norms with respect to purchase of SRS Real Infrastructure shares.
Akriti Realtech (now known as Akriti Global Traders) had hiked its stakes in SRS Real Infrastructure by over 5%. However, the entity had failed to make requisite disclosures to the relevant stock exchanges within the time limit as prescribed under the norms.
"By not complying with the regulatory obligation of making the disclosures, the noticee (Akriti) had not provided the vital information within the prescribed time which is detrimental to the interest of investors in securities market," Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in an order dated December 27.
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Sebi had conducted an examination in respect of buying, selling and dealing in the shares of SRS Real Infrastructure which is listed on the BSE.
The regulator noted that the shareholding of Akriti in SRS Real Infrastructure as on February 4, 2013 was 4.71% but after the entity acquired 14.86 lakh shares of the company on February 14 its stake increased to 5.45%.
As per the norms, Akriti while crossing the threshold limit of 5% was required to make the disclosures to SRS Real Infrastructure and to BSE within two days from the date of the transaction, which it had failed to do.
Further, Akriti shareholding in SRS Real Infrastructure rose to 8.15% from 5.45% after the entity bought additional shares of the firm on February 21, 2013.
As there was a change of more than 2% stake of Akriti in SRS Real Infrastructure the entity was required to make the disclosures to the company and the stock exchange within two days from the date of the acquisition.
Akriti had also failed to comply with this provision, Sebi said.