Capital market regulator Sebi will launch a big investor education programme through short films, TV and radio commercials in English and regional languages.
To spread the awareness drive, it plans to hire a creative agency having an annual revenue of at least Rs 100 crore in the past three fiscal years.
The objective is "to create general awareness on securities market, various products available in securities market and facilitate the participation of the retail investors in the securities market to invest with knowledge," Sebi said.
The selected agency, will provide creative services including production of short films, TV commercials, radio spots and printing advertisements to carry out "Sebi's Investor Education and Awareness campaign" across the country.
Besides, there will be a separate agency for release of the creative work to various media.
Inviting expression of interest (EOI), the regulator said the agency to be contracted will have to provide in-depth knowledge on the communication strategy to be followed for this campaign.
"The main functions of the agency will be the creation of advertising products which will successfully convey the desired message to the target audience...," Sebi added.
The awareness campaign will be done through five 25-30 minutes short films, ten 30 seconds TV commercials, ten 30 seconds Radio spots and ten print advertisements.