After a historic day yesterday the Sensex opened with a positive gap of 13 points at 9993. The index slipped to a low of 9972, before bouncing back to cross the 10,000-mark. The index rallied to a new all-time intra-day high of 10,042, and is now up 59 points at 10,039. ITC has surged 2.4% to Rs 161. HLL has moved up 1.3% to Rs 197. Tata Steel has spurted 1.8% to Rs 414. Bharti Tele and Cipla are 1.6% each at Rs 376 and Rs 503, respectively. ICICI Bank, NTPC, Ranbaxy and Hindalco have gained over 1% each. HDFC Bank, ONGC and Reliance are on slippery ground. |