The Sensex has moved up 129 points (1.4%) to 9,215. Tata Motors has advanced 3.8% (Rs 24) to Rs 662. Maruti is still up 2.9% (Rs 18) at Rs 632. Bajaj is up over 1% (Rs 22) at Rs 2,045. Satyam is still up over 3% (Rs 23) at Rs 718. ICICI Bank has moved up nearly 3% (Rs 16) to Rs 576. Reliance is steady at Rs 851 - up Rs 19. SBI is steady at Rs 884 - up Rs 15. While L&T has added Rs 31 to Rs 1,785, BHEL is up Rs 26 at Rs 1,353. India Cements has advanced 6% to Rs 94. Tata Chemicals is now up nearly 5% at Rs 229. M&M is still up Rs 21 at Rs 498. |