The Sensex is now down 112 points at 14,316. Infosys and Reliance Energy have plunged 2.5% each to Rs 1,785 and Rs 707, respectively. SBI, Reliance Communications and Wipro have slipped around 2% each to Rs 1,517, Rs 498 and Rs 461, respectively. ICICI Bank has dropped 1.7% to Rs 857. Hindalco and Hindustan Unilever have shed 1.3% each to Rs 140 and Rs 196, respectively. Ambuja Cements, Satyam, TCS and Tata Steel are down over 1% each. Bharti Airtel and BHEL are up nearly 1% each at Rs 835 and Rs 1,624, respectively. The market breadth is fairly negative - out of 2,438 stocks traded so far, 1,603 have declined, 778 have advanced and 57 are unchanged. |