The Sensex is now down 120 points at 10,810. Grasim and HLL have rallied over 2% each to Rs 2,040 and Rs 242, respectively. Reliance Communications has advanced 1.7% to Rs 273. ICICI Bank and Cipla have moved up 1% each to Rs 493 and Rs 225, respectively. Bharti Airtel has dropped 3.7% to Rs 370. Wipro has shed nearly 3% to Rs 502. HDFC Bank, HDFC and Reliance have slipped over 2% each to Rs 747, Rs 1,175 and Rs 1,075, respectively. Hero Honda, Larsen & Toubro, TCS, BHEL, Bajaj Auto, Maruti, Tata Motors, ONGC, Satyam, Reliance Energy and SBI are down 1-2% each. Out of 2,416 stocks traded so far, 1,174 have declined, 1,149 have advanced and the rest are unchanged. |