The Sensex is now down 127 points at 18,026. The NSE Nifty is down 15 points at 5,259. Infosys and Cipla have soared nearly 3% each to Rs 1,488 and Rs 190, respectively. ITC, Grasim and Mahindra & Mahindra have surged around 2.5% each to Rs 201, Rs 3,024 and Rs 703, respectively. Tata Steel and Ambuja Cements have rallied around 2% each to Rs 714 and Rs 117, respectively. Wipro and Ranbaxy have moved up 1.5% each to Rs 413 and Rs 355, respectively. ICICI Bank has slumped 5% to Rs 1,210. Bajaj Auto has plunged 4.5% to Rs 2,350. HDFC Bank has dropped 3.5% to Rs 1,530. SBI and Maruti have tumbled 3.3% each to Rs 2,233 and Rs 835, respectively. Larsen & Toubro, Bharti Airtel and DLF have shed 1.3% each at Rs 3,793, Rs 859 and Rs 881, respectively. ACC and BHEL are down 1% each at Rs 791 and Rs 2,070, respectively. The market breadth is marginally negative - out of 2,695 stocks traded so far, 1,383 have declined, 1,267 have advanced and 45 are unchanged. |