The Sensex is now down 13 points at 14,270. BHEL, Hindalco and NTPC have rallied nearly 4% each to Rs 2,543, Rs 182 and Rs 143, respectively. Cipla and Reliance Communications have advanced over 2% each to Rs 250 and Rs 447, respectively. Ranbaxy and Tata Steel have gained 1.7% each at Rs 404 and Rs 518, respectively. Reliance and Reliance Energy are up around 1% each at Rs 1,386 and Rs 507, respectively. ITC, Wipro and Tata Motors slipped over 2% each to Rs 174, Rs 636 and Rs 907, respectively. Satyam has shed nearly 2% to Rs 468. ICICI Bank and Maruti are the other major losers. Out of 2,592 stocks traded so far, 1,447 have advanced, 1,085 have declined and 60 are unchanged. |