The Sensex is now down 143 points at 19,104. Bharti Airtel has tumbled over 3% to Rs 918. ICICI Bank and Maruti have slipped around 2% each to Rs 1,132 and Rs 934, respectively. Reliance Energy has plunged 1.8% to Rs 1,758. ACC and NTPC have dropped 1.4% each to Rs 1,113 and Rs 235, respectively. HDFC Bank, Reliance and ITC are down 1% each at Rs 1,625, Rs 2,852 and Rs 186, respectively. Bajaj Auto has advanced nearly 2% to Rs 2,635. SBI and Tata Steel are up 1% each at Rs 2,266 and Rs 857, respectively. The market breadth is marginally negative - out of 2,630 stocks traded so far, 1,380 have declined, 1,185 have advanced and 65 are unchanged. |