The Sensex is down 14 points at 9857. Dr.Reddy's has rallied 3.5% to Rs 1,111. HDFC has added 2.7% to Rs 1,332. Wipro, Reliance, ACC and Tata Power have gained over 2% each to Rs 517, Rs 714, Rs 577 and Rs 467, respectively. Ranbaxy, HDFC Bank, Bharti and Grasim are also holding smart gains. SBI has declined 2.7% to Rs 889. Maruti at Rs 750 and ONGC at Rs 1,249 have dropped 1.5% each. Larsen & Toubro, Hero Honda, Infosys, Gujarat Ambuja, ICICI Bank and HLL are down over 1% each at Rs 2,110, Rs 863, Rs 2,871, Rs 91, Rs 614 and Rs 193, respectively. Out of 2,551 stocks traded so far, 1,773 have declined, 729 have advanced and the rest are unchanged. Reliance leads the value chart with a turnover of Rs 170.22 crore followed by Tata Steel (Rs 112.48 crore), Suzkon (Rs 90.07 crore), SBI (Rs 86.80 crore) and Reliance Capital (Rs 84.22 crore). |