The Sensex is now down 17 points at 11,706. ITC has moved up 1.7% to Rs 191. TCS has added 1% to Rs 994. ICICI Bank, Infosys and Cipla are up nearly 1% each. Gujarat Ambuja, Tata Steel and Satyam have dropped 2% each to Rs 112, Rs 497 and Rs 805, respectively. Reliance Communications, Wipro and ACC have slipped 1.5% each to Rs 300, Rs 518 and Rs 910, respectively. Tata Motors is down 1.3% at Rs 842. BHEL, Reliance and ONGC are the other significant losers. Out of 2,555 stocks traded so far, 1,718 have declined, 769 have advanced and the rest are unchanged. |