The Sensex has slipped into the negative zone and is now down 21 points at 11,124. Hindalco and Cipla have advanced over 1.5% each to Rs 167 and Rs 236, respectively. HDFC has added 1.3% to Rs 1,255. Grasim and Reliance Energy are up 1% each at Rs 2,168 and Rs 472, respectively. Bajaj Auto and ONGC have dropped over 1.5% each to Rs 2,640 and Rs 1,185, respectively. Satyam, ITC, Tata Motors and SBI have declined 1% each to Rs 757, Rs 177, Rs 787 and Rs 857, respectively. Out of 2,227 stocks traded so far, 1,321 have advanced, 832 have declined and the rest are unchanged. |