The Sensex slipped to touch a low of 10,128, and is now down 28 points at 10,145. Tata Motors has declined 2.2% to Rs 774. Larsen & Toubro and Ranbaxy have shed 2% each to Rs 2,450 and Rs 435, respectively. Cipla has slipped 1.7% to Rs 556. Hindalco has dropped 1.4% to Rs 160, and Satyam is down 1% at Rs 749. Bajaj Auto has rallied 1.8% to Rs 2,260. ONGC, Bharti Tele and BHEL have spurted 1.3% each to Rs 1,189, Rs 368 and Rs 1,916, respectively. The market breadth is fairly positive. Out of 1,980 stocks traded so far, 1,271 have moved up, 660 have slipped and 49 are unchanged. |