The Sensex has slipped back into the negative zone and is now down 29 points at 19,937. ICICI Bank has advanced 1.6% to Rs 1,268. Hindalco and Bharti Airtel have gained 1.3% each at Rs 191 and Rs 971, respectively. NTPC and Tata Motors have slipped over 2% each to Rs 240 and Rs 755, respectively. Hindustan Unilever has shed 1.8% at Rs 205. BHEL and Reliance Energy have dropped 1.3% each to Rs 2,707 and Rs 1,908, respectively. ONGC, TCS and Reliance Communications are down over 1% each at Rs 1,176, Rs 1,050 and Rs 727, respectively. The market breadth is fairly positive - out of 2,705 stocks traded so far, 1,935 have advanced, 726 have declined and 44 are unchanged. |