The Sensex tumbled below the 14,000-mark to a low of 13,918, but has pulled back a bit and is now down 336 points at 14,022. Bharti Airtel and Satyam have slumped 5% each to Rs 760 and Rs 444, respectively. Infosys has shed 4.7% to Rs 1,820. Tata Steel and Maruti have tumbled around 4% each to Rs 551 and Rs 760, respectively. Wipro has plunged 3% to Rs 455. HDFC Bank and NTPC have dropped 2.7% each to Rs 1,064 and Rs 164, respectively. Reliance Communications has slipped 2.5% to Rs 483. Reliance Energy is the sole gainer among the index stocks. The market breadth is extremely negative - out of 2,436 stocks traded so far, 1,604 have declined, 779 have advanced and 53 are unchanged. |