The Sensex has slipped into red and is now down 36 points at 20,339. ITC has zoomed 5.7% to Rs 200. Mahindra & Mahindra and Hindalco have surged 2.8% each to Rs 810 and Rs 212, respectively. DLF and Tata Steel have rallied over 2% each to Rs 1,043 and Rs 884, respectively. Cipla and Hindustan Unilever have advanced 1.5% each to Rs 203 and Rs 214, respectively. Tata Motors is up 1% at Rs 778. Bharti Airtel has plunged 4.6% to Rs 1,005. HDFC Bank has shed 2% at Rs 1,749. HDFC and Wipro have slipped 1.5% each to Rs 3,057 and Rs 498, respectively. ICICI Bank and Satyam have dropped 1.3% each to Rs 1,274 and Rs 426, respectively. ONGC and Maruti are down 1% each at Rs 1,242 and Rs 1,065, respectively. |