Hindalco has spurted 1.7% to Rs 152. HDFC Bank, Bharti Tele, ONGC and HDFC are up over 1% each. On the other hand ITC at Rs 143 and Bajaj Auto at Rs 2,030 have declined 2% each. Wipro, Grasim, Dr.Reddy's, HLL, Gujarat Ambuja, Larsen & Toubro, Cipla, TCS, Maruti and ICICI Bank are also languishing in red. Out of 2,529 stocks traded so far, 1,296 have declined, 1,161 have moved up and the rest are unchanged. Among other gainers - CMC has surged 5.6% to Rs 505. IPCL, Escorts, Indian Overseas, BEML, Alstom Projects, Welspun Gujarat, Sterlite, India Cement, SAIL, GE Shipping, Micro Inks, Mastek, Asahi India, Maharashtra Seamless, Arvind Mills and Lupin have gained 2-5% each. JB Chemicals, HCL Infosys, FACT, Titan, Indo Rama, Jaiprakash, Bank of India, EIH, Container Corporation, Canara Bank, Kotak Bank, Neyveli Lignite, J&K Bank, CESC, Punjab National Bank and Alfa Laval are down 2-4% each. |