The Sensex rallied to the day's high of 11,822, and is now down 47 points at 11,788. Earlier in the day, the Sensex slumped to a low of 11,345 - down 490 points in early trades following Sebi's order on the IPO scam. NTPC has surged 4% to Rs 135. Maruti has zoomed 2% to Rs 916. ACC has spurted 1.7% to Rs 950. Hero Honda has gained 1.4% at Rs 835. Bharti Tele and HLL have added 1% each to Rs 406 and Rs 290, respectively. Cipla has declined 3.6% to Rs 251. Hindalco has dropped 2.5% to Rs 212. Satyam and Wipro are down 2% each at Rs 752 and Rs 534, respectively. SBI, Grasim, Tata Power and Reliance Energy are the other prominent losers. Out of 2,483 stocks traded so far, 1,517 have declined, 919 have advanced and the rest are unchanged. |