The Sensex tumbled to a low of 10,266 - down 331 points from the day's high of 10,597. The index is now down 53 points at 10,346. HLL has plunged over 3% to Rs 226. Tata Power and Bharti Tele are down 2% each at Rs 487 and Rs 359, respectively. Larsen & Toubro, Tata Motors, TCS, Reliance, Ranbaxy and Infosys are the other prominent losers. HDFC has advanced 2% to Rs 1,148. BHEL has surged 1.8% to Rs 1,936. ICICI Bank has moved up 1.5% to Rs 544, and HDFC Bank has added 1.3% to Rs 750. The market breadth has turned negative - out of 1,993 stocks traded so far, 1,173 have declined, 771 have advanced and 49 are unchanged. |